New Versions of Animation Editors – June Release

This month the collection of animation tools was extended with an awesome fire brush. This brush makes the whole screen fire effect obsolete, because now you can place flame of any form on any part of the scene, change its colors, texture, and even direction.

Look at some examples of using this brand new tool:

  1. I’m using DP Animation Maker. When the “exe” file(window) starts, it defaults to the top left corner of the screen. It would be nice if the window was centered on the screen.

    In the title bar of the window, it says “DPWManager”. It would be nice if the title bar had the filename of the animation that running.

    Also, be nice if we can select our own icon for the file and window title bar.

    • Thank you for your feedback.

      First two changes are quite simple and I think we will add them in the next release.

      DP Support

  2. Hi,
    I just bought DP Animation Maker and I like it a lot.

    One thing which would be useful is to make an option in the export options to make the start frame equal to the end frame. In this case an exported animation can be looped/repeated seamlesly without a ‘stutter’. Maybe it is complicated to implement, but it would be a very usefull option.

    Thanks for this neat program.

    André Lubke

    • Thank you for your feedback.

      Yes it is quite complicated, especially for for animations like snowfall or fish movement, but we plane to add a special transition effect that will make looped video more smooth

      DP Support

  3. please add slides for XYZ rotatation of animation 3d objects
    with this method user can make aquarium from Top not only from FRONT.

    • It is possible only for real 3d animations (butterflies and leaves). Fish are 2d animations, unfortunately.

      DP Support

  4. Hi Firefly,

    Thanks for a great piece of software – I’ve been using DP Animation Maker for about a year now and its a joy to use. I love the latest ‘Fire Brush’ tool too, it opens up real creative possibilities. I second Mike’s comment above regarding the position and title of compiled .exe animations – if you could implement these in the next release that would be great 🙂
    I also have a suggestion: would it be possible to add an option for all animated objects to just play once and disappear? For example, if you have an eagle flying across the sky it would be good to decide whether it always flies back and forth in the scene or just one time only. Maybe this is too hard to do but I thought I’d ask anyway!
    Thanks again for a wonderful program!

    • Thank you for your feedback.

      The position and title of compiled .exe animations will be definitely changed in the next version.

      Our animation engine was designed for creating infinite animations.
      However, we plane to implement improved control over the behavior of objects after crossing the boards. You will be able to set up delays and directions of next motion round.

      DP Support

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