New Versions of Animation Editors – September Release

We're excited to announce several enhancements in this month's update! First, we've introduced an improved line drawing algorithm in trace style. This enhancement significantly increases quality while maintaining only a slight impact on performance. You can choose which drawing technique to use in your particle systems, allowing you to switch back to [...]

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New Versions of Animation Editors – December Release

We are proud to announce that new versions of Screensaver, Wallpaper and Animation Makers were released today. What's new in these versions? First of all, the Underwater [...]

Animated Sparks Effect

In our past lessons we described in detail how to make perfect snow animations. However its flexible settings allow far-reaching, completely unexpected results. This lesson [...]

Creating Advanced Animated Snow Effects

In the previous lesson, we learned how to create simple animated snow. In today’s lesson we'll continue with this effect and explore its features in details. First of [...]

Creating Animated Snow Effects

In this lesson we will learn how to create a beautiful snow scene in DesktopPaint’s animation editor. First of all, we need an appropriate background image. A good image [...]

New Additional Animations for Your Projects

Due to many requests from our customers, we have decided to put our efforts into a new content pack that would expand the list of available animations in DesktopPaints’ [...]