New Versions of Animation Editors – August Release

We worked hard for last several months on new major update and today we are pleased to present new tools for creating animations. We had to completely rework the way the program works with particles and imported images and we hope that the new design makes your work much easier and give more space for creativity. Todays release cannot not include all changes that we are going to add, but we do not want to make you wait for the new version any longer. For the next several month you will get many updates that will extend your new tools functionality and reward your wait for this update. Thank you for your support and patience.

In todays release we reworked on the image import and the particle constructor. They have new interfaces and are ready for new exiting features that will be added very soon.

New toolbar area
New animation constructor
New import dialog

Also there are a few minor fixes.

  • Problem with canvas around imported images has been completely fixed
  • Main menu spelling and shortcuts have been fixed
  • Issue with animations in glass ball effect has been fixed
    • It allows you to create particle animations. You need to select image, motion type and origin. Then you can modify the settings and add additional effects (Mods). In the future updates we are going to add templates and more features for this tool.

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