New Versions of Animation Editors – August Release

We are excited to announce the August release of our animation software! This update brings you an innovative new tool: the Exude Brush—the first addition to our brand-new Dynamic Brush Effects category.

Dynamic Brush Effects are designed to create stunning particle effects with the ease you’ve come to expect from our Animated Brush toolset. These brushes will elevate your animations, adding dynamic and eye-catching effects without the hassle of configuring complex particle systems.

To showcase the power of this new tool, we’ve included a demonstration video featuring an animation created entirely with the Exude Brush. Check it out and see the magic in action!

Project file used in the video can be downloaded here.

Here’s the complete list of recent changes in this update:

  • Exude Brush has been added to the Standard Animation Library.
  • Freeform Region origin has been added to the Animation Constructor.
  • Splashes, Spots, Fog Clouds, and Thin Smoke Clouds particles have been added to the Animation Constructor.
  • The Drift position in Animation Constructor motions now supports Trace style.
  • The issue of incorrect brush drawing on vertical pictures has been fixed.
  • The crash that occurred when entering zero values into group motion timings has been fixed.
  • The typo on the My Library tab has been fixed.
  1. now you can do any effect with particles, I believe a snow simulation feature would be a fantastic enhancement to DP Animation. I envision a feature that allows users to:
    Simulate snow accumulating on surfaces and objects for example png images:
    Generate snow particles of varying sizes and densities
    Control the speed and direction of falling snow, including wind effects
    Adjust the opacity of snow particles to create different atmospheric conditions
    Customize the appearance of snow particles (e.g., shape, color)

    • In the current version of the Animation Constructor, you can generate snow particles of varying sizes and densities, control the speed and direction of falling snow, adjust the opacity of snow particles, and customize their appearance. A wind effect is planned for one of the upcoming releases. However, snow accumulation is a much more advanced feature, as it requires particle interaction with each other and the environment.

  2. I would like to request a feature that simulates snow accumulating on various surfaces and objects. This would be a fantastic addition to the software.
    Additionally, I believe it would be beneficial to focus on developing features that leverage human creativity and intuition, such as advanced video editing and compositing tools. Given the rapid advancements in AI, these tasks often require a level of nuance and understanding that is

  3. Is it possible to make Background copy mask only the specified layers? Or at least the previous layer, and not all layers?

      • Probably Google Translate is mistranslating my words.
        I have 4 layers with the following arrangement:
        1 Background copy
        2 Splashes
        3 Background copy
        4 Soap Bubbles
        I need layer 3 Background copy to affect only layer 4 Soap Bubbles, and layer 1 Background copy only layer 2 Splashes.
        But at the moment I can only get that 1 Background copy affects all layers that are below it.

        • If I understand you correctly, you want to make the splashes semi-transparent so that you can see not only the background but also all the layers beneath them. The Background copy brush is merely an image layer and does not affect the layers below it. Achieving your desired effect is not straightforward. In your example, you need to copy images from all layers beneath the splashes. To do this, add separate background copy brushes on top, assigned to each layer below the splashes.

  4. Is it possible to add selection of multiple layers with Ctrl pressed, or use the shift key to select multiple layers at once?? Adding or removing one layer at a time to a group is inconvenient and time consuming.

    Please watch the video.
    Video 1
    On the left I use Background copy.
    And I get some strange effects.
    Video 2
    When using Background copy, distortions appear around the image.
    And there is also a bug, if you delete the layer that is selected in the copy layer for Background copy and save the project, then the project can no longer be opened because the program will give an error and close.
    Is it possible to modify Background copy so that it can be used as a masking layer or create a new brush specifically for such purposes?

  6. For the exude brush, when you use brush and CTRL-Z to reverse your action, it removes the green pencil mask, and you can still control the animation speed, translucency, etc… and only way to remove the animation is to use eraser… maybe fix this in the next version.


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